Board :Story Contest
Author :Archon Iyagi
Subject :HM by Navier
Date :11/20
Deja Vu

I woke up so tired today. My legs are sore, i am exhausted to the bone.

I had a very strange dream last night. In my dream, out of nowhere there were a bunch of zombies running into the south Buya gate, killing and infecting every single citizens in it's horizon.

It was around evening that they all started to come. In the end, all the citizens inside the gate were infected because we didn't believe the merchant that came earlier in the afternoon to warn us about his sighting when he was running from the zombies.

I'm still confused on my bed. The innkeeper came to me and asked me, "Where did you come from? I didn't see you here last night?"

I shrugged, and walk away after giving her some coins.

It is a lovely day outside, we have a merchant festival at the market. Everyone was so lively selling their stuffs. I see some strange things, Tiger pelts, Fox tails and even some Dragon's liver!

I was bargaining with one merchant when suddenly a commotion starts to brew on the other side of the market.

I went there to check what is happening. I saw the same merchant in my dream inside the circle of the crowd! He was sobbing on the floor, telling everyone about a bunch of strange monster-human that kills some of his bodyguards. This is exactly like my dream!

Am I trapped in some sort of time lapse dimension? Or is this just some sort of Deja Vu?

Without hesitation, I grab the merchant and brought him to the Buyan Mage elders.

I explained to them about my vision last night, and how this man was in my vision along with the attack of the south gate.

The elders didn't take my words lightly, they quickly cast a Jujak vision spell, to see what's happening in the wilderness, and they found many animals are dead but they couldn't find any of the strange zombies.

They declare a state of emergency in all kingdoms, warning the Kings of all kingdoms of the unfortunate situation that we are facing.

And here I am, hoping that my effort to share my vision can turn the outcome of my dream in this reality.

* Navier *